Security and Malware Removal

There are an ever increasing number of sophisticated security threats targeting your computers, websites and identity details.

We can assist in both prevention and clean up of security issues, giving you peace of mind that your data is safe and private.
Some of the services we offer are

  • Recommend and install anti-virus, anti-phishing software for your devices, including laptops, desktop, servers, websites and phones.
  • Secure and update your company website to prevent a hack from ruining your domain's reputation.
  • Regain control of a hacked website, remove malware and secure against future attacks
  • Ensure that your email domain has a strong reputation and is not being blocked by spam/virus filters.
  • Recommend and install network firewall solutions to protect your network from attacks both internal and external
  • Provide training to staff on best security practices and how to avoid being scammed.
  • Remove viruses and malware from your devices to remove unwanted popups, redirects and unsolicited spam emails.
  • Recommend and configure strategies, including backup schedules and use of encryption, for the prevention of data loss in your organisation.

Contact us today for a no obligation discussion on how we can best provide a solution to your security and data protection issues.